Taiwan: Street of Tainan

Last impressions of the streets of Tainan

Taiwan: Arriving In Tainan

It was late afternoon when i arrived Tainan, in southern Taiwan. But it’s never too late to go out for a stroll in the neighborhood.

Much to see explore, as i found out soon. Around and inside the temples were still lots of lanterns, since the final festivities about Chinese New Year weren’t over yet. In one of the temple two nice, young ladies explaining me, how they interact with their gods and asking questions. It works with throwing two crescent-shaped wooden parts. Depending how the lie, the gods are willing to listen to their questions. Next step is to choose one of the providing sticks, which have numbers what leads to a certain box in a cupboard, where finally is a piece of paper with the answer to your initial question. Maybe.

They also told me about the various gods and goddesses in the different niches of the temple. There’s one who helps to find your soulmate, another one brings luck for women wants get pregnant, or students pray for their exams. On the wall were the proof of success, when it worked. Not so far from catholicism, where various Saints get these tasks done, i thought for myself.

Outside of the temple a sudden strong rain started. It makes the colorful lanterns reflect on the street, giving a new, friendly atmosphere. A small snack on my way home and some juicy strawberries for dessert. The first day in Tainan ended nicely.

Palestine – Ramallah with Arafat Mausoleum

Palestine. Of course i wanted have at least a glimpse over the walls. To get an own picture of their life and get an idea of the region, its history and its inhabitants.

It was the easiest way to book a tour from Jerusalem. Fortunately the tour guide was a Palestinian who joined the tour bus after the border. He arrived late at the meeting point and gave us already a first idea about the life here. Despite he startet his ride of around 50km to Ramallah two hours earlier, he got stocked at a check-point, where they blocked the road for unknown reasons. We, the tourists, had to wait on a small coffee shop. It gave me the chance to go around the streets to collect first impressions of Ramallah.

Market places are always nice to get in touch with the locals. That was also the first stop in Ramallah. I was surprised about the openness of the people and how friendly they were. They gave me a wink, showed me their display or just smiled friendly. The same in the streets, where sellers were keen to explain what goods, spices or beverages they sell. Most attention caught the guy who sold iced tea in a very effective way.

Once in Ramallah, we also had a short visit to the Arafat Mausoleum. Although Yasser Arafat, the first president of the Palestinian National Authority, wanted to be buried near the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, the Israeli government didn’t allow it. To his honor , the nobel peace prize holder at least got his mausoleum in Ramallah with lots of symbolics.

Israel – A Random Day In Jerusalem

Arriving on a new town i like to roam around randomly, drinking coffee in the streets, visiting a market place or hanging around a square and listen to the street musician. Just to get the vibes of the new place. Jerusalem was no exception in that.

The people were busy. Most of them. A few took their time to listen to the street music. Some homeless people were on the streets also, hoping for a Shekel or two, while a soldiers taking a cigarette break. Lots of security units on the squares anyway, but no ones seems to feel threatened or scared. In the opposite, all pretty relaxed and enjoying life. Even when a small demonstration passes by, chanting incomprehensible sayings and waving Ethiopian flags. All peacefully.

Without planning i ended up in the Old Town Jerusalem. Eventually i stood in front of the Western wall with the view of praying Jews and the Dome of Rock. Having already a glimpse on the main attractions of the city, i decided it’s enough for today and headed back to New Jerusalem on search of a tasty falafel meal.

Tel Aviv – Old Jaffa

Where all began. Old Jaffa is the oldest part of the region and nowadays a main tourist attraction.

From far I can see the impressive silhouette of the old city and its strong wall towards the sea. I approach it along the beach. Suddenly i stood in front of these walls, on a square with little shops, bars, cafes, galleries and street musicians. Not only the tourists, but also the locals like this place to go out and enjoy the almost medieval atmosphere.

A board over a small entrance to steep staircase says ‚Welcome to Old Jaffa‘ and indicates an entrance to he small alleys of the old town. I tried to hide from the many trippers. Indeed i found some lonely, nice corners to enjoy some minutes of solitude.

Reached the top, there’s another square. A big fountain and the St Peter’s church on one side, more bars and souvenirs on the other. A small bridge leads to the Abrasha Park, with a beautiful view over the city and beaches. Time to go back there, i decided

Tel Aviv – Urbanlife

Tel Aviv.

A vibrant city indeed. People strolling along the pedestrian zones, sitting in one of the many cafes at a square or in a park or just going shopping in one of the big malls. The mild climate makes it even more comfortable to be in the streets and parks, especially now in the wintertime.

So far not really different to many other modern cities on the world. But then, there’s that mix of smaller, older buildings between big, modern skyscrapers. I can’t make it out a clear line between living area and business district. It’s all fluently.

It’s also lively and colorful, as i find bigger or smaller graffiti everywhere. And a lot of movement too, not only by car, but many by bicycle and e-scooter. A network of bicycle paths makes it easy to navigate trough the city. It’s fun to take one of the rental e-scooter and roaming trough the neighborhood. From time to time i have to stop for a photo or a nice cup of cappuccino, of course.

Roma – A Glimpse Of Eternity

A winter day in Rome, known as the eternal city, is perfect for sightseeing. If the sun is shining and the temperatures are mild, even better.

I was surprised how quick i went trough all the entrances and security checks on the main tourist spots.

I’ll spare you all the details of the history and backgrounds, but will link the main attractions to Wikipedia for all those who seek more informations for their own trip to Rome.

For all those ones interested in some pictures, just do it my way: grab a coffee and enjoy what you’ll see:

Dusty Streets Of Punta Do Ouro/Mozambique

The heat struck me when i arrived at that small villlage at the beach. After a few rainy and chilly days I was looking for it, but didn’t expected that big change just a few hours after border crossing to Mozambique. 

First thing; to get on the street and get some local currency and buy some water, And a local SIM card. Along the street are colorful fabrics, towels and clothes displayed. Local dealer show their handicrafts, carved wooden figures and small funny cars made of wood. 

Young guys passing me with their roaring quads, raising lots of dust and certainly having fun. For little money, they rent out their vehicles on tourists. But it’s not allowed anymore to drive them on the beach, they warn me. I didn’t suppose to rent anyway, although it comes handy to go for and back with those conveniently. Many tourists from South Africa, just bring their own quad or strand buggy, going for shopping with, or to a near beaches outside town,

In front of the ATM is a queue, waiting patiently to get cashed out their money. Not fancy to wait in the heat, I asked the street seller for changing some cash US Dollars in Meticai, the local currency. Really old fashion, I know, but indeed I found somebody who was happy to get dollars in cash.

Now I was able to buy myself a nice coffee. No better place for that than the ‚Love Café‘ at the end of the street. Friendly staff, strong coffee and street view to entertain myself. As I noticed on the street already, the people are open and friendly, and not too shy to get photographed. In the opposite, some staff from the café was asking me to take pictures of them. 

Back on my camp, next to the beach, I was leaning back with a cold local beer, overlooking the beautiful bay of Punta Do Ouro and feeling I’m arrived here.

Greece – Arrival In Igoumenitsa

Greece. Since my brief visit in 2017 i knew i’m coming back. Due the pandemic it was difficult to make any travel plans. However, i just went off, needed a break, needed to get a glimpse beyond the horizon again.

The last working shifts was planned as nightshifts. That’s how the idea came up to travel by night since i’m in that rythm anyway. On lonely Swiss and Italian highways i covered dark 800 kilometers trough the short night. Coffee along the roads kept me awake and focused as the distance was melting with the rising sun.

Ancona was awaiting with the “Superfast” Ferry. All went smoothly. I just wished the floor i lied down was smoother too. Another night with almost no sleep was ahead me.

To my surprise Igoumenitsa wasn’t as bad as expected. A nearby campsite right at the sea offered a lovely place to camp. And in the small city of Igoumenitsa wasn’t crowded with tourists, but i found everything i was asking for. Some nice little coffee shops, few supermarkets and a shop selling me a SIM card to stay online on my trip. Not a bad start.

Loyangalani am Turkanasee

Heiss, trocken und staubig, das ist Loyangalani am Turkanasee. Ein Bad im See spendet zwar etwas Erfrischung, doch das Wüstenklima erfasst einem wieder sobald man am Ufer steht. Immerhin gibt es Quellen, in deren Nähe der Ort gegründet wurde. Auch unser Camp liegt an einer dieser kleinen Quellen. Das Wasser reicht aus um einige Schatten spendende Palmen hervorzubringen. Es lockt aber auch immer mehr Leute heran, die der kargen Landschaft nichts mehr abtrotzen können und in unsäglicher Armut leben. So wächst Loyangalani und droht die wenigen Ressourcen mit zu vielen Menschen teilen zu müssen.

Trotz Mittagshitze schlendern Michael und ich durch die staubigen Strassen. Hie und da kommen wir in ein Gespräch, machen Fotos und versuchen mehr über das Leben hier zu erfahren. Eine italienische Nonne erzählt uns über das ärmliche Leben hier, über die vielen Kinder, die trotz örtlicher Schule kaum Zukunftsperspektiven haben. So vertrauen sie alle, dass eine göttliche Fügung die ersehnte Wendung in diese Wüstengegend bringt. Bis diese aber kommt sinnieren Michael und ich über die sinnvolle Nutzung der Quellen. Unsere europäische Denkweise stört sich an Verschwendung des Wassers, das oft ineffizient genutzt wird und irgendwo über die Strasse läuft, um dort im sandigen Graben zu versickern.

Touristen gibt es in dieser abgelegenen Region weniger. Einige verirren sich trotzdem dahin. Nicht zuletzt wegen Wolfgang, der hier vor etwa 40 Jahren als erster ein Resort aufgebaut hat. Aus dem Geschäft hat er sich zurückgezogen, hiess es. Eine Legende ist er geblieben. Michael, mein Reisebegleiter, und ich fanden Wolfgang bei einem Bier in einer Bar. Mit einer Kippe in der Hand starrt er in den Fernseher über der Bar. Das Fussballspiel interessiert ihn offensichtlich mehr als wir Neuankömmlinge. Mein redseliger Reisegefährte löchert ihn mit Fragen und erzählt ihm von seinem Leben und Plänen als Missionar in Kenia. Wolfgang zeichnet ein müdes Lächeln auf sein eingefallenes, tief gefurchtes Gesicht. Ihn interessiert es nicht, denke ich für mich. Er sieht aus wie ein Mensch der mit dem Leben abgeschlossen hat. Die Geschichten anderer berühren ihn nicht mehr, und die eigene Geschichte ist abgelebt. Sein hagerer Körper fragt nur noch nach etwas Maisbrei mit Fleischstückchen, einem Bier und Zigaretten. Der müde Geist gibt sich mit dem Fernsehprogramm in der Bar zufrieden, und vielleicht flackern einige erinnerungswürdige Momente vor seinem inneren Auge auf.